
Sports Performance
By Science

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Strength and Conditioning

Programs designed specifically for you, no matter where you're at; whether you're just beginning or already experienced.


Athlete Programs

A hands-on scientific aproach to making you the biggest and strongest athlete you can be, no matter the sport.

Online Training

Online programs explicitly designed to help you achieve your maximum potential in life or sport. We handle the science, you make progress.


Nutrition Plans

Education on foundation nutrition principles for your sport and fitness goals.

About Us

We provide a science-based approach to strength and conditioning for athletes of all types. Science should be at the forefront of any quality sports performance program, and we strive to provide that service.

  • Identify and reduce sport specific injury risks
  • Keeping you on the field is our number one goal; our number two goal is to help you get bigger, stronger, and faster.
  • Doing more work over less time, in most cases, increases sports performance. To do more work on the field over less time, we must work overtime during our training.
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Zach Droll

Strength and Conditioning Coach
I hold a Master's Degree in Applied Exercise Science, specializing in Strength and Conditioning and a Bachelor's Degree in Kinesiology. I am an NSCA Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist (CSCS).
I have six years of personal training experience and three years of strength and conditioning experience working with everyone from a lacrosse player to a competitive powerlifter. I am a lifelong athlete since the age of five playing everything from soccer to now Olympic weightlifting.

Programs & Classes

Strength and Conditioning

We design your in season and out of season programming to optimize your sports performance while also aiming to prevent sports specific injuries. What you do in the weight room matters just as much as what you do on the practice field, and we strive to optimize that scientifically.

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Online Personal Training

Four, eight, and twelve-week programs designed specifically for you to take the guesswork out of your fitness goals. We program each step for you to help you achieve your specific fitness goals, whether that be getting ready for that vacation, or squatting 600 pounds.

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Our Blog

Mechanical Tension vs Metabolites

December 17, 2019

Should you lift heavy, or should you lift lighter to feel the burn? The quick answer is likely both. Lifting heavier loads in the 8 to 12 rep range with good form causes damage to the muscle that stimulates strength and size progression through muscle disruption.  Lifting lighter weights to feel the "burn" causes an influx of metabolites into the ...

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Creatine Monohydrate Optimization for Resistance Training: Carbohydrate and Timing Implications

May 3, 2021

Introduction             Creatine monohydrate is one of the most studied and most effective ergogenic aids available at increasing various metrics of human performance (Kreider et al., 2017). Creatine monohydrate has been shown to be overwhelmingly safe and effective for increasing anaerobic capacity, strength, and muscle mass when paired with resistance training (Buford et al., 2007) (Kreider et al., 2017). Furthermore, ...

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What is Work Over Time Fitness?

February 4, 2020

My fitness journey began in 2011 and I am absolutely certain that if you do not eat within thirty minutes of a workout, you will lose all of your gains. I also thought creatine was some slightly unsafe semi-steroid. I had no clue what volume was, and I just followed workouts on the internet by people selling unsuccessful programs and products. ...

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Activities of Daily Living and Aging.

December 20, 2019

Standing up and sitting down can become difficult as one ages. The difficulty of standing up is frequently caused by two things, weakness, injury or a combination thereof. Proper strength training has been repeatedly shown to have positive effects on injury recovery and prevention when appropriate and properly applied (Vincent, 2013).  Leg and core muscles aid in proper movement and ...

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